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Margaret Farnsworth

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The Lord called me to be a medical missionary in Africa at the age of 11. Because of the fear this created in my heart, I chose to go into teaching.

My husband was a born-again believer when we married. However, I was not. After his heart attack and ensuing death in 1980, there was a void in my life. Christ filled that void in February 1981. He filled my heart with His love and gave me a purpose to go on living. The Lord reminded me of His calling on my life over the next several years and prepared me for the work that lay ahead.

In 1988, my two daughters and I left for Tenwek Hospital in rural Kenya so I could work as the office manager for Tenwek School of Nursing. The Lord later gave me the opportunity to work in the continental office of Evangelism Explosion III based in Nairobi, Kenya.

My adventure with the Lord continued as He began to lay upon my heart the desire to minister in the country of Kazakhstan, formerly part of the USSR. Beginning in April 1999, I served as the director of The Small Business Training Center and its offshoot, Private Educational Training Center. These organizations teach English, Russian, and Kazakh as a Second Language.

After serving 14 years in Kazakhstan, the organizations had been nationalized, allowing me to follow the Lord’s leading to return to Kenya. I then served as WGM Kenya's field treasurer and also coordinated with The Mission Society’s field partners in Kenya.

Read more about Margaret's story here.

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