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Irving and Estefanía Marmolejo

ID: 06226, Region: North America
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Irving and Estefanía Marmolejo are members of the Mision Evangelica Mundial de Mexico church where they teach the youth, children, and help in the discipleship program. 

Estefanía grew up as a pastor's kid and has served in the church for several years. She is a magnet to children because she obviously loves them. She is planning on using her degree in laboratory science to help youth and young people realize that God is the Creator. 

Irving graduated with a degree in media communications from the University of Texas. He is fully bilingual and has been instrumental in bringing Work4ALiving to Latin America using his giftings and training in media. 

Shortly after getting married, they started feeling a nudge to become missionaries. They started praying about it and getting confirmation from others. God has led them to join World Gospel Mission so that they can help expand God's kingdom throughout Mexico and Latin America. 

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