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Kirby and Whitney McMunn

ID: 18565, Region: Europe
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When God first brought the opportunity for ministry in the Czech Republic, it came as a surprise. But we had no idea the surprises that were in store after we arrived in the country. The ministry in the Czech Republic has been changing direction and shape ever since we arrived. But it is in these changing moments that deeper growth can take place.

We moved to the Czech Republic in 2019 with our daughter, and one month later our son was born! We joined a small church in the town of Podebrady. Originally, we were to help lead youth outreach programs and English clubs. Since then, however, God has changed our focus as we and our local church body have been seeking to bring God's kingdom here in new ways. Instead of programs, we are sharing God's love through our natural connections, being conspicuous Christians in our communities. We start Bible studies with others—both believers and non-believers—to help make disciples who make disciples.

The Czech Republic is often listed as one of the most atheistic countries in the world. And while statistically that may be true, we are seeing a growing interest and questions about how there is more to life than what we see. The harvest is ripe and plentiful. The laborers are few, but faithful Czech Christians are working together to reach their fellow countryman for Christ, and we are honored to be their partner in that calling.

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