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Bryan and Nashana Meese

ID: 16499, Region: Europe
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We are passionate about empowering followers of Christ to grow in grace, knowledge, and spiritual maturity. In 1 Corinthians 3:10, Paul states, “By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder and someone else is building on it” (NLT). Paul goes on to emphasize the importance of laying strong foundations in Christ, as this is the only foundation that will last.

Kosovo is only twelve years old and still in the process of building new foundations. The physical war with Serbia ended in 1999, and Kosovo declared independence in 2008. However, the country is still experiencing heavy political effects from the war amidst its efforts to build a new country. Unemployment is at 26% throughout the country, and 49% of young adults are unemployed. A feeling of despair has settled upon many in this country as they begin to wonder if things will ever change. They feel that their only hope of success is to leave their home country and build a life elsewhere.

The church in Kosovo is young as well. The first generation of Christ followers are now parents, striving to raise up Christ-centered families and model Christ to their communities. They are working to build a strong foundation in Christ that will last forever. We are here to encourage and empower our brothers and sisters in Christ as they build the foundation of their life in Christ. We have been granted the tremendous opportunity to participate in the story of redemption and restoration that is God is weaving in Kosovo as He builds his kingdom on earth.

Our ministry in this young country is centered upon equipping people. We equip students with knowledge, skills, and biblical character traits through our ministry at Pristina High School. We equip Christians to study and apply God’s Word, to live lives of worship, and to embrace lives of service through fellowship and ministry within our home. We have a vision to equip worship leaders to model lives fully submitted to God as they lead others into deep understanding of worship and rich relationship with their Creator. Our vision is to develop worshipful community, foster continual learning, and build communities of intentional spiritual growth.

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