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Luli Mustafaj

ID: 06799, Region: Europe
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Hi, my name is Luli! I’m responsible for managing the Jeta ministry center in Vlashaj, Albania.
I love working at the center because it’s where my life was changed. I grew up in a Muslim home and heard about Jesus at Jeta, where I spent every minute of free time. I was baptized in 2017 and have helped at the center ever since!
My dream is to develop more Lulis—kids who find life at Jeta! I minister through the kids' club, the youth group, and at the church that meets in the center. I also make sure the building and soccer field are cared for and clean. I oversee the recreational activities and assist with the soccer school.
I welcome you to be part of the ministry I have at the Jeta ministry center. Thank you!

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