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Boaz and Africa Niyinyumva

ID: 07060, Region: Africa
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We both grew up in the southern part of Bujumbura, the capital of Burundi. We met while serving as Sunday school teachers in the same church. Both of us were called at a young age to serve God. I, Boaz, felt called as a child in a refugee camp soon after I lost my father and brother to civil strife. I grew up with a clear calling from God to serve the marginalized and underserved as a medical doctor. God blessed me with a godly wife who shared the same heart, and together we have accepted to serve the Lord as missionaries.

After completing my training as a family physician at Chogoria Hospital in December 2019, we moved to Litein, where I worked at a mission hospital to acquire the two years of experience to be recognized as a fully qualified Family Medicine Consultant.

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