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Ellie Paquette

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I’m Ellie. My Achí name, which was given to me by an Achí tribe last summer, is Pikygi, meaning “little fish.” I am recent graduate from Asbury University and am currently a student at Asbury Theological Seminary. This summer, I plan to go to Paraguay with World Gospel Mission for a mid-term trip. We plan to serve local churches in the city of Asunción as well as travel to indigenous groups serving them, leading discipleship, and sharing the Gospel. During my last trip to Paraguay, I met some of the indigenous communities and heard that there was estimated over 300 indigenous communities who have never heard the Gospel. I hope to continue to join the local missionaries in Paraguay to reach the indigenous and the Paraguayans with God’s love. While I am there, I plan to practice my Spanish and explore what cross-cultural counseling would look like. I am currently studying mental health counseling at Asbury Theological Seminary, and I hope to explore options for the future, whatever that may look like. I am so excited for this summer!

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