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Seth and Veronica Porter

ID: 07402, Region: Oceania
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Welcome! We are the Porter family! We have served in Papua New Guinea since 2012. We have four kids: Elaina, Malachi, Levi, and Alivia. Keep reading to get to know us better.

Seth was called into missions at a young age but struggled at first to know how God could use a country boy who worked with his hands on the mission field. As he got older, he recognized that God could use his skills—and anyone’s skills—for His kingdom. Veronica grew up as a missionary kid with WGM and was born and raised in Bolivia. You could say missions is in her blood. 

We met, fell in love, got married, and knew that our lives would be dedicated to serving the Lord on the mission field for as long as He wanted. While still in college, we applied to WGM. Once our funds were raised, we set off for PNG in 2012, where for two years we learned the language, culture and began ministry. During those two years in the town of Mt. Hagen, we felt God leading us to the bush!

Since 2016, we have lived in the Southern Highlands on the Montanda Mission Station in the Montanda District. We live about a four-hour drive from the town of Mt. Hagen, over rough roads into the bush. Our first term in the bush we focused mainly on the encouraging and building up the Montanda District by preaching, building projects, mentoring pastors, and helping with the Sunday school program. Seth also discipled and taught young men from our community construction skills.

After our first bush term, God shifted our ministry out of the Montanda District and into all of PNG. We continue doing many of the same things in our area, but our focus has changed to church planting and discipleship in different areas in PNG. Some of the young men Seth mentored our first bush term are now part of his ministry team. They travel with him evangelizing, discipling new Christians, and planting churches, as well as physically building permanent church buildings for the new churches.

God is moving in Papua New Guinea, and we are excited that we are part of it!

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