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Laurie Potter

ID: 07418, Region: Central America
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My mission is discipleship. From the earliest stages of my missionary career, I have sought to teach, mentor, and give a helping hand to others. Mature, experienced Christians gave of themselves to shape me as a young believer. Even now, I continue to grow from people investing in my life.

I want to see the same happen in Honduras. I want to be a part of the Great Commission mandate to “…go and make disciples of all nations…and teaching them to obey…” (Matthew 28:19–20 NIV). Just as others taught me the Scriptures and helped me work out what it meant in my life, I want to impact young lives with God’s Word. I want to prepare those who will disciple generations of believers in Honduras and beyond.

As assistant field director for WGM Honduras, I come alongside Honduran Holiness Church leadership and pastors, support fellow missionaries and their ministries, mentor new missionaries and volunteers, and disciple new believers while partnering with Honduran Holiness Church.

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