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Walter Rutto

ID: 17952, Region: Oceania
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I have left my home country of Kenya to serve the Lord at Christian Union Bible College (CUBC) in Papua New Guinea. While at CUBC, I am:

  • Training CUBC staff on the Theology of Development Program (TDP). This training places special emphasis on the importance of mindset transformation and presents the biblical worldview as the key to social and cultural transformation. It will be video recorded and used to train all future TDP teachers at CUBC.
  • Implementing the TDP curriculum by facilitating nine-week sessions.
  • Restructuring the remaining TDP classes, converting them from their current format to a nine-week format.
  • Providing occasional guest lectures in CUBC’s vernacular-language program, which will be translated by an interpreter.
  • Conducting two- or three-day training sessions for pastors in remote areas. These sessions will introduce pastors and church leaders to the basic concepts that are developed more fully through the TD program.
  • Preaching several times on Sunday morning in various locations (both town and bush locations). 

I welcome you to be part of this service to the Lord through prayer or financial contributions.

If you want to give directly to a Kenya mpesa fund, please email me at

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