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Jina Sparrow

ID: 18712, Region: South America
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I attend Asbury University. I am a social work major and a Spanish minor. My desire to help people living in broken relationships is stemmed from my own personal adoption. I desire to work with children and families and bring healing and unity among them. I have previously worked with women who have been victims of sexual exploitation in Bolivia during the summer of 2023. This population group has been near to my heart as I see a need for hope and life being shared in these women’s lives. 

The trip to Paraguay sparked my attention, and I felt God leading me to this trip because of the opportunity to share the Gospel with indigenous people groups and use my unique gifts to serve the people in Paraguay. I aim to work with women and children in the Native Paraguayan communities and be an example of God’s love to the people there. I’m hoping to grow in my understanding of Paraguayan culture and customs as well as make deep and long-lasting relationships with the team that I will be traveling with to Paraguay. 

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