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Jonathan Steen and
Meghan Murphy-Steen

ID: 18861, Region: Africa
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The Lord has called us to serve at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya. We live there with our four children—Joseph, Timothy, Micah, and Cora. We each followed the Lord’s leading into medical mission work. We met in medical school, and our relationship began on the basis of that shared vision. We are both passionate about teaching and training up African doctors as a strategy to see Christian medical care flourish in Africa. We desire to use the gifts God has given us to spread the Gospel through health care and soul care.

Our vision for our ministry is to adopt a 360-degree view. We are training medical staff, living in community with Kenyans and other missionaries, sharing His work with our support team, and raising our family to know the Lord.

Jon: I work with the family medicine residency program at Tenwek. I am invested in the principle of using my role as a family physician to care for my patients in a holistic sense of body, mind, community, and spirit. I enjoy teaching and modeling this approach.

Meg: I am working with the obstetrics and gynecology department to establish the first PAACS (Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons) OB/GYN Residency in Africa. I care deeply about women’s health, teaching technical skills, and meeting my patients and trainees where they are.

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