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Jon and Vera Steury

ID: 08875, Region: Africa
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Jon and Vera Steury are based in Nairobi, Kenya, from where they serve as WGM Africa Regional Directors.

In their responsibility for the oversight of WGM’s personnel and ministries on the African continent, their main focus is to support and facilitate the approximately seventy global workers WGM has in Africa to effectively fulfill their ministries. Through strategic planning, administration, coaching, hosting, and member care, Jon and Vera seek to enable and encourage WGM’s global workers in Africa to thrive in their ministry callings.

An additional privilege they have is to be able to travel occasionally to visit and see the various ministries WGM and its partner churches have established in East Africa. Occasional visits to other African countries allow opportunities to explore other possible ministry partnerships with which WGM might become engaged.

The common element in all of their responsibilities is a desire to strengthen the kingdom of God through WGM and the partner churches and institutions it works with across Africa.

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