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Abby Tomlinson

ID: 19286, Region: Africa
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For many years I have felt God’s call on my life for missions and have been praying for opportunities to use my nursing skills through medical missions. I am currently pursuing my master’s to be a family nurse practitioner with an additional concentration in global public health nursing through Cedarville University. Although I don’t know exactly what medical missions will look like for me in the future or where God will lead, I am excited for the opportunity to serve with a long-term healthcare ministry that cares for particularly vulnerable populations. 

Least of These is a community-based mobile healthcare ministry that cares for vulnerable children and orphans living in the greater Nairobi area by providing education, prevention, and treatment of current health issues. I look forward to partnering with the two nurse practitioners, Jennifer and Robyn, as well as the rest of the staff there in their work as they provide healthcare and share the love of Jesus with those around them. I also look forward to gaining a global perspective of a community health ministry as I complete my final practicum for the global public health nursing part of my degree.

I pray that God would make His name great in the work there and that He will give me a heart to serve both during this time and in whatever ministry He might call me to in the future!

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