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Jorge and Laura Vaca

ID: 05850, Region: North America
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Laura: The Lord called me in 1989 to serve as a career missionary teacher in Bolivia at Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center. That is where I met Jorge, a Bolivian national who also worked at the school. After we married, God clearly called us to leave Bolivia and move to McAllen, Texas, on the Texas/Mexico border to minister through education and soccer. The blend of cultures and languages in our marriage has allowed us to connect with people on the border who are a unique mixture of Hispanic and American cultures.

Jorge: My life had no purpose until I met Jesus at the age of 20. God provided me a wonderful job at Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center, where I worked for 14 years. I also played soccer professionally for a few years and trained to be a coach with the Bolivian National Soccer League. Although I spent three years in Argentina with WGM missionaries, I never really thought about being a missionary until Laura and I began dating. Through our relationship, God called me into missions. When we moved to McAllen in 2004, I had a soccer ministry with the boys in the neighborhood.

Today, our community ministries are growing and touching more lives as we partner with the nearby Evangelical Christian Church and other local churches. Laura is the bookkeeper for Taylor Community Center. She also enjoys teaching women’s Bible studies. Jorge coaches the older children for Soccer Lions Academy, helps with campus maintenance, and uses every opportunity to promote God’s kingdom through friendship evangelism.

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