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Prayer Lifeline: April 2022

Prayer Lifeline: April 2022

We have many joys to praise God for and many requests that weigh heavy on our hearts. Thank you for joining us as we come before Him in prayer this month. 

Pray for Ukraine

What do you do when the bomb shelters are full? It’s called 'sheltering in place.’ And that is what one pastor’s wife and their two children are doing right now on the outskirts of Kyiv. They are living off whatever food is left in the cabinets with no money to buy more, even if it was available. This is the current situation of this pastor’s family—the pastor of WGM’s first church in Ukraine—but also just one of many examples of the hardship happening right now for so many.

Please pray Scripture over this family and so many others like them. Luke 8:24–25 says, “’Master, Master, we’re going to drown!’ When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and the raging waves. Suddenly the storm stopped and all was calm” (NLT). Join us in praying for the storm of war to stop—even suddenly, like in this story—and for calm to prevail and fear to be wiped away.

Godly Friendships

We just released an episode of our podcast, The Approach, about godly friendships that help us become more like Christ. Will you pray over someone in the next generation and consider how you might speak into their lives—and allow them to speak into yours—through friendship? This episode will guide you through this time of prayer.

Taylor Transformation

We are on the home stretch, with almost 75% of the funds raised for the final stages of the Taylor Transformation Project in McAllen, Texas! We can’t wait to see how God will use this facility for individual and community transformation. He continues to bless and open doors of opportunity. Will you pray for this final amount to come in so that lives in the community can continue to be impacted for Jesus?

Kingdom Business

Mark and Serena Dunbar are missionaries serving in Mexico who are involved with a ministry call Wired 4 Business that teaches the foundational principles of kingdom businesses. In a secular culture, they teach that God is the owner; we are simply the manager of His business. He is the One with the answers. Many business owners are learning how best to use their money, time, pursuits, and skills for God. Will you pray for this ministry as it continues to grow and change the business culture in the area?

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