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Prayer Lifeline: August 2021

Prayer Lifeline: August 2021

Thanks for partnering with us as we pray over these requests from around the world during the month of August.

Community Ministry

Steve and Debbie Cartwright, who serve in the USA Southwest Ministries, have reduced their long commute and moved into the community where they have been ministering to for the past twenty years. They’re excited to find new ways to get plugged in and to be more available to those around them. Please lift them up in prayer as they settle in and take this new step forward in their missions journey.

Cardiac Center Construction

A new cardiac center is being built at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya. Pray over the construction of this site, that it will be a place where Jesus brings healing to many. Ask God to send His Spirit to this place and to work through the surgeries and medical procedures that will take place there over the years.

Solar Cookers

For years, purchasing cooking gas in some areas of the Middle East has been very difficult.  Recently, a fight broke out in the line to buy gas, and someone was killed. With the escalating tension, missionaries and ministry partners have been using and testing solar cookers to help provide an alternative solution. Will you pray for those in desperate need of a way to cook their food? Will you also pray for those trying to meet this need?

Heroes of the Faith

Just because a missionary retires doesn’t mean their ministry is over. Continue to pray for the retired missionaries you know, asking God to keep using them to impact the communities they now call home. To read more about the journey of WGM’s retired missionaries, check out our Heroes of the Faith articles.

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