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Prayer Lifeline: December 2022

Prayer Lifeline: December 2022

God is moving at WGM and around the world! Please join us in praying for these requests, asking God to continue what He’s started.

Mobilizing the Next Missionaries

The WGM mobilization team will be exhibiting at the Urbana Student Missions Conference from December 28–31, 2022, in Indianapolis. Conference organizers are expecting over 4,000 students to attend this year, many of whom will be exploring their next steps in missions.

Please pray for our mobilizers to have meaningful conversations with those who stop by the WGM booth. Pray that the team would have the bandwidth to follow up with those who want to have further conversations after the conference.

Albanian Economy

The economy in Albania has been especially hard-hit in the last two to three years. The amount of people living in poverty has jumped to 34 percent. A sense of hopelessness is rapidly escalating, resulting in a massive exodus of Albanians looking for better lives abroad, including young men and families from our local community.

Please pray for WGM missionaries in Albania to make the most of the time they have with each individual, and pray against the contagious spirit of despair and materialism.

WGM International Development

Several WGM leaders traveled to South America recently to explore innovative ways to mobilize missionaries from that area of the world. That trip went well; please pray for continued discernment in how to best mobilize workers as new opportunities arise.

Unrest in Bolivia

Roads in Bolivia are being blocked and tensions are high, which has resulted in food and resource shortages in the city of Santa Cruz. Will you pray for a peaceful resolution as leaders meet to discuss a path forward?

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