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Prayer Lifeline: January 2022

Prayer Lifeline: January 2022

We’re so grateful for your willingness to join us in prayer for the new year. Thank you for helping us lift these requests to the Lord.

Ministry Post-COVID

WGM missionaries in Japan are beginning to prayerfully imagine what ministry will look like after COVID. Exciting ministry opportunities are opening up, such as a recent opportunity to give away 500 Bibles. Brandon Kuba has also begun to see exciting things happening in ministries he’s involved in and would love to see this trend continue. Join us in praying for God to give our missionaries in Japan a clear vision and refreshed energy as they journey with their Japanese brothers and sisters.

Letters of Prayer

Our missionaries have sent out their Christmas letters, seeking to encourage you, their ministry partners, and give a glimpse of what your support does around the world. And just as they have encouraged you, we’d love to see our missionaries encouraged and cared for where they are. Your missionary may be experiencing increased levels of loneliness after going through the holidays away from family members. Consider writing a letter the missionary you pray for, letting them know the specific ways you’re praying for them. Little moments like this can lift the spirits of those serving all around the world.

Technical Opportunities

Zoom is being used across the world to teach others about the way of Jesus and ministry education opportunities. In Hungary, students are learning and diving deeper into their ministry studies. In Japan, children and their parents are enjoying learning English as a second language. Around the world, those who are not otherwise able to go out are hearing about Jesus in new ways. Will you pray that God continues to use technology to share His Good News?

Band of Brothers

Heritage International School in Uganda recently went through a reaccreditation process. During this time, the accreditation team was so moved by Heritage’s Band of Brothers discipleship program that they have asked to adopt it and use it at some other schools as well.  Will you pray that this expansion will continue to bring Christ’s transformation to young students just as it has at Heritage?

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