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Prayer Lifeline: July 2022

Prayer Lifeline: July 2022

Your prayers matter. Thank you for taking these requests to the Lord this month.

Heart Language

A woman in Kenya was hoping for a Bible in English, her fourth language. While a translation in her first language wasn’t available, Krista Horn, a missionary in Kenya, was able to find a Bible in her second language—French—and it brought this woman to tears. Will you pray that more people will receive physical Bibles and experience the Gospel in their heart language. 

A Cooler Building

On the Texas/Mexico border, WGM missionaries have been using a building without air conditioning for activities. Enough people have partnered with them through the Taylor Transformation Project that they have not only been able to install air conditioning, but also renovate the building! As more activities are held in this space, please lift the property and all those involved in ministry to the Lord. May God use this exciting new opportunity for His glory!

College Transition
Several missionary kids will be transitioning not only to the United States but from high school to college in the coming months. Will you pray for these young adults as they venture into a new chapter of life? Ask God to give them a clarity in their pursuit of education and to comfort them in this season of transition.

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