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Prayer Lifeline: July 2024

Prayer Lifeline: July 2024

Missionary Focus
Darin and Laura Arnott, Southwest Ministries

Darin and Laura Arnott serve with World Gospel Mission in Arizona. They primarily serve in relational ministries, serving adults and children, and are involved in compassionate ministries.

The Arnotts are seeing Jesus move through their mobile food ministry, which takes them into different villages on the Tohono O’odham Nation. For years, they’ve been building relationships with the people they’ve been serving, and God has now opened the door for them to be able to do mobile church services.

By meeting present needs for the last several years, they are now able to meet eternal needs. And we praise God for the way He’s moving.

Join us in praying over the Arnotts and their team as they continue to follow God and to disciple the people of the Tohono O’odham Nation.

Global Trips this Month
3 Teams & 19 Individuals

Hearing God’s call to become a long-term missionary typically occurs while on a short-term trip or serving for a few months. It’s during this time, when someone steps out of their normal routine, that God can speak directly to their heart.

This month we have three teams, made up of 25 people total, going to places like Honduras; Stockton, CA; and Arizona for short-term trips. And we have another 19 people going to places like Cambodia, Paraguay, and Albania to serve for a few months.

Let’s intercede on their behalf, asking God to guide them and to speak to them during their time serving Him!

Country Focus

People all over the world have never heard the name of Jesus—people near to you and people in the far corners of the globe. This month, as we take the Luke 10:2 Challenge, we’re lifting up the country of India, asking Jesus to send workers to this country: 

  1. Population: 1.4 billion
  2. Percent unreached: 95%
  3. Number of unreached people groups in India: 2,048
  4. Largest Religion: Hinduism
Global Prayer Points for July
  • Honduras: Pray for unity in Ciudad Nueva. The norm in this city has been church division. But Ciudad Nueva needs peace, and the church is positioned well to be that peace. Ciudad Nueva has about 20 thousand people and only has eight policemen to patrol all the area. However, there are 55 churches. Pray that God will unite these churches to be His hands and feet in this region.
  • Mexico: Heat in the region has been unusually high lately and is likely affecting attendance at programs that WGM missionaries are hosting. Pray for those not attending, that the Spirit would nudge them to attend so they can hear the Good News of Jesus.
  • Missionaries: Many missionaries will be participating in trainings this month. They’ll spend a week being poured into spiritually and another week learning how to build ministry partnership teams. Pray that the Spirit encourages and energizes these missionaries so they can do the vital work God has called them to.

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