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Prayer Lifeline: June 2022

Prayer Lifeline: June 2022

We’re so grateful for your commitment to prayer. Thank you for lifting these requests up to the Lord.

Ukraine Update

Several pastors with connections to WGM have remained in Ukraine to take care of their churches. It’s proven difficult for some to leave the country and for others to access food and other essentials. Please seek God on behalf of these pastors, praying for His protection and provision for them. Ask Him also to continue providing for the Ukrainians who have sought refuge in other countries.

Alpha Discussions

Our missionaries in Albania are working with a local church to facilitate a social, discussion-based ministry called Alpha. Fruit is coming from these sessions, as those who participate can explore their faith together in an open and accepting environment where people can learn more about Jesus and how to make faith their own. Please pray for this ministry and the discussions that occur as a result, that those who attend will continue to be curious about God and desire a relationship with Him.

Educating Pastors

Papua New Guinea has been educating pastors for several years through the Christian Union Bible College (CUBC) in Mount Hagen. You can read about how lives are being transformed in the community through CUBC’s ministry and the prayer that surrounds it. Will you pray for the families and pastors that are being trained and sent? Ask God to use them for immeasurable impact around PNG and the world.

Grief and Loneliness

A reality of being a missionary is that the people in your country of origin continue their lives while you are away. Friends and family members lose loved ones, transition to new homes, move away from friends, go off to college, and more. In addition to our great Member Health team who gives guidance, counseling, and many other helpful tools to support missionaries through these situations, we also firmly believe that prayer is the most powerful of tools. Will you pray for our missionaries and their families as they continue to serve the kingdom abroad?

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