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Prayer Lifeline: March 2022

Prayer Lifeline: March 2022

We see God at work all around the world, and we’re excited to see how He will continue to move in response to our prayers this month. Thank you for joining us in lifting these concerns and praises before the Lord.

Ukraine Crisis

Pray for Ukraine. Pray for Russia. Pray for fathers and mothers and sisters and brothers, for children, and grandparents. As one Russian pastor has said, "Pray for peace between nations and peace in people's hearts."?God is at work. Miracles are happening. As many in the world are opening their arms and their homes to those fleeing the war, we pray that many more will open their hearts to Jesus Christ.?Pray for believers to be fortified with the strength of the Holy Spirit to endure and also to be a city on a hill in the midst of crisis.?Pray for the light of Christ to shine to uproot lies with His truth.?Pray for safety, security, and healing of children and families.?

Partner with the crisis relief efforts and help provide essentials to Ukrainian refugees. 

Serving the Local Community in Honduras

Steve Solheim was able to install a new computer lab for a local school in Honduras, just in time for the anticipated first day of school! Will you pray for the students who will using these computers, as well as for the Solheims to continue finding ways to connect with their community and serve the children in their area. Pray especially that the Solheims will be able to reach these kids with the message of Jesus’ love.

Short-Term Teams

A missions team is taking a short-term trip to Papua New Guinea soon! Will you pray for our teams across the world as opportunities to serve cross-culturally have opened back up? Ask God to stir the hearts of those on this PNG team and give them the ability to share the Gospel effectively. Pray that Jesus will have victory in the hearts of many and that these visiting partners will provide the long-term missionaries serving in PNG with much-needed support and relational connections.

Pray for Yemen

In April, 1.8 billion Muslims around the world will be observing Ramadan. You can sign up for 15-minute prayer slots to help cover the country of Yemen in prayer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during the month. Join us as we ask God to meet those who are fasting and seeking Him during Ramadan.

Aging Out of Foster Care

Have you read the story in our latest issue of The Call about young adults who have aged out of foster care? God is moving His people to spread His love and compassion in our Southwest Ministries location. As you pray over this region of the world, ask God to continue blessing the ministry of C3. Pray that this love for aged-out foster kids will lead to the transformation of hearts and lives.

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