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Prayer Lifeline: November 2022

Prayer Lifeline: November 2022

Here are some ways you can pray for the work God is doing around the world. Thank you for your partnership in prayer!

Ebola Outbreak in Uganda

Uganda is dealing with a particularly deadly strand of Ebola. Please pray for this country, the surrounding region, and WGM missionaries located in East Africa. May the light of the Gospel shine through the darkness of disease.

University Discipleship Movement Response

At a recent camp for university students in East Africa, 140 students responded to an invitation to follow the Lord wherever He leads! The Holy Spirit moved during a sermon from WGM missionary Jonathan Mayo. Will you commit to praying for these students? Ask the Lord for successful discipleship and mentorship, so these young people can persevere when they follow Him into the world.

New Church Plants

“The people welcomed him with cheers and the desire to see a church in their village.” —Veronica Porter, WGM missionary in Papua New Guinea.

Seth Porter (Veronica’s husband) got an enthusiastic reception when he brought a generator to a remote village in PNG. The Porters are working to plant churches in four different villages right now. Will you pray for these young churches? Pray that they would take root so the Gospel will spread throughout the region.

Mexico Building Project

Several WGM missionaries in Central Mexico are working with local church bodies and the national church to build a new school building. Will you pray for the project, for the ministry that will be done there, and for the local people it will serve?

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