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Yemen: Crisis Relief

ID: 25411
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A small impoverished nation in the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen doesn’t have the oil or political clout of some of its neighbors. But after more than six years of war, 20.7 million people—nearly 70 percent of Yemen’s total population—is in dire need of humanitarian assistance. Sadly, more than half of those in need are children.

This war hasn’t received as much coverage in the U.S. media as other conflicts like those in Syria and Iraq. It’s a complex situation, with no clear enemy or “good guy.” There are tribal factions, religious divisions, and seemingly contradictory moves by larger political powers in the region.

Yemen Needs Help

But what is clear is that people need help: responsibly-given aid that will lift up and empower people to remain in the country and start to put their lives back together.

Everything that keeps a country functioning has been destroyed—the economy, infrastructure, education system, medical care, etc. With millions having been displaced by the conflict and the devastation of the country, over 16 million Yemenis are struggling to simply find food for the day. The news footage and photos that do make the news tell a heartbreaking story of poverty, loss, and senseless violence.

World Gospel Mission has strong connections to non-profit organizations in Yemen. (We cannot state their names or locations because of security concerns.) These groups hand-select people who are involved in aid distribution, who then strategically choose families to receive aid. Every effort is made to ensure aid and resources are distributed responsibly and equitably.

The Hope

“The message of hope is being shared by locals,” shared an international partner working in the crisis response. “In this time of tremendous need, there is an incredible opportunity to show Christ’s love to suffering people.”

In addition to food distribution, these organizations are also involved in water and sanitation projects, women’s initiatives, protection, literacy, economic development, and education. War destroys a country’s infrastructure and requires a holistic approach to rebuilding society.

In many areas of the country, government-run schools have closed. But through our partners, over 5,000 school-aged children are continuing their education through alternative education centers and the distribution of basic school supplies. Children from a vulnerable, marginalized people group are able to access education through these programs and early childhood development centers are also being established.

“We can’t provide for all the needs,” stated the international partner. “But we can help many. And we can do so in a way that glorifies God and helps His people reach out to their country.”


Give: Aid distribution is ongoing, and the need is great. Please partner with our brothers and sisters in Yemen as they bring help and hope to their people.

Pray: Pray for our brothers and sisters as they eke out a daily living in a land torn by war and hardship. Pray that they will be a light. Pray that the Lord will move in a miraculous way and end the war. Pray that aid will reach those who need it most. You can also sign up to receive prayer requests for the Arabian Peninsula through the PrayerMate app.

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