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Yemeni Refugee Community

ID: 25410
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As Yemenis flee the war and destruction in their country, many of them are looking for answers that Islam cannot provide. The Yemeni Refugee Community project is operating in a Middle Eastern country that, according to the UN, hosts 13,727 Yemeni refugees. This project provides a safe location for spiritual seekers among the refugees to gather and explore the teachings of Christ together while supporting them in the particular challenges of refugee life. As Yemeni Believers from a Muslim Background (BMBs) share their witness and a model of following Christ amidst the cultural challenges, refugees are coming to faith and being discipled to be a light in their communities.

Sharing about this project, a Yemeni BMB leader says that it is, "a beacon from which the light of Christ radiates to accommodate the new believers. Through it we are able to disciple and teach them about the love of the Lord Jesus in the Bible so that it may bear fruit in them and through them there will be much fruit. It is also a beacon for all who are looking for the truth and everyone we host!"

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