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On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
Help support this new endeavor to assist the public health department with neighborhood health outreach.
Give students at Escuela El Sembrador a multi-purpose Student Sports Complex.
On the Checkout page, please click "Add instructions to the finance office" and include the team member's name in the message field that follows.
Help shape the future of children in Honduras whose families work in the municipal garbage dump to provide for themselves.
Funds donated to this project will be used to purchase supplies in Honduras needed to help with the current disaster affecting the area.
Help Honduran Christians in Crisis.
Meet urgent needs around the world.
Help feed children living at Manuelito Project in Honduras.
Connect the most at-risk children and youth in Honduras with well-trained, Christian mentors.
Support a Missionary
Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.