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Denny and Dolly Bowerman

From directing staff in restaurants to directing children’s ministry. From shoring up a house’s foundation to setting foundations of faith. From building their own home to building churches and homes for others in need. Denny and Dolly Bowerman retired in December 2014 after 15 exciting years of missionary service on the American Indian Field. 

Denny was raised in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and he attended church on a regular basis. At the age of 12, he felt that the Lord had something special for him to do, but he didn’t know what that was. He went into the military and drifted away from his faith roots. But right before leaving the army, he rededicated his life to the Lord.

Dolly had also grown up in the church and was raised in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She committed her life to the Lord at a revival service at the age of 13. In 1971, she and Denny were married, and they settled in Manheim, Pennsylvania, to raise their family. God blessed them with three sons: Eric; Dan; and Matthew, who passed away as an infant. While raising her family, Dolly stayed home and babysat other children. As time went on, she and Denny became more involved in ministering to children.

In 2015, Denny and Dolly celebrated 44 years of marriage. From the very beginning, they had children in their home and in their lives. Now retired, they enjoy being with their grandchildren and are helping to care for their elderly parents. Currently they minister through music at two Alzheimer’s clinics, and, in the fall, Dolly will teach at a local preschool. But those hot, dusty days ministering to Native Americans will always have a special place in their hearts.

Read more about Denny and Dolly Bowerman.

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