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Derrell and Ruth Hyde

Derrell and Ruth served as missionaries on the American Indian Field for over three decades, teaching and leading children to follow Jesus. Throughout Southwest Indian School’s changes and transitions, the Hyde’s did everything they could to serve well.

Ruth was appointed to the American Indian Field on April 25, 1969. That fall, she began teaching seventh grade at Southwest Indian School. At that time, education options were limited on Native American reservations. SIS provided a quality Christian education and a safe, caring living environment for Native children.

Meanwhile, Derrell had been praying for a wife. In January 1974, he attended a missions convention at his church, where he told the Lord, “I’m willing to do whatever you have for me.” One month later, Derrell and Ruth met when she visited his church as a missionary speaker. They were married July 5, 1975.

As Derrell and Ruth reflect on their lives, they treasure the privilege they have had of serving God on the American Indian Field and all the blessings that came with it. Derrell said, “I like the verse Matthew 6:33, ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.’ I have found when you put God first, He works everything out for our good and His glory.”

Read more about Derrell and Ruth here.

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