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Billie Sue Dunn

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God called me into missions through the influence of a missionary family who visited my home church. For 15 years, I served as an educator and administrator at Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center in Bolivia. Most recently, I served on the American Indian Field as treasurer for 17 years. Although administration was the main focus of my ministry, I still loved teaching when the opportunity came my way. Working with children was one of the greatest joys I had in ministry, since I trusted Jesus as my Savior at the age of 12.

God expanded my ministry on the American Indian Field, and I was privileged to teach an adult Sunday School class at a Native American church and to help with music and administration in the church. I am grateful for my years of ministry with WGM and for the rich heritage I received from attending camp meeting with my grandmother and Christian universities and from the witness of other Christians and fellow missionaries in my life. God has blessed the ministries He has called me to do.

Read more about the life and impact of Billie Sue here.

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