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Harvey and Cookie Bennett

Harvey and Cookie were both born and raised in rural Illinois. They met at a church revival service and were married in 1968. Cookie had earned a degree in nursing and supported Harvey as he completed his degree in vocational agriculture. Although Cookie had been called to missions at age 16, Harvey remained uncertain about his own call, even after a missions trip to Bolivia in 1971. God continued to work in his heart.

They attended Vennard College (Iowa) for Bible training, and in 1975, they were accepted as missionaries to Honduras by World Gospel Mission. In 1976, they headed to language school in Costa Rica. They had two small children at the time, Peter and Betsy; Andrew and Jamie would join the family later.

After language school, they moved to at Escuela El Sembrador in Honduras, where Cookie was the school nurse and Harvey taught practical farming to the students. During their second term, they were based in the then-rustic village of Talanga, where they served in village evangelism. Although those years saw some difficulties, like having to send their children away to boarding school, they were thrilled to see people coming to know Jesus. Harvey served as field director during their last term, and Cookie traveled throughout Honduras with fellow missionary Sharon Hawk to teach Christian education workshops.

Read more about Harvey and Cookie's story here. 

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