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Hubert Harriman

Hubert was born and raised in Bolivia, the son of retired missionaries Harold and Evelyn Harriman. Around age 10, he responded to the Holy Spirit at a special church service and gave his life to Christ. Hubert was heavily influenced by his maternal grandfather, who was an evangelist and preacher. While Hubert was in high school, he felt God calling him to preach. At the time, he thought that meant becoming a missionary rather than a pastor. 

He earned his BA from Vennard College (Iowa) before doing graduate work at Jerusalem University College and earning an MA from Anderson School of Theology (Indiana). He met Sarah, who was earning her undergraduate degree, at Anderson. They have been married for 42 years and have three grown daughters: Anne, Maria, and Emily. 

They served as missionaries in Argentina for one year, and, during that time, they felt God redirecting them to the pastorate in the United States. Hubert pastored Ligonier Evangelical Church in Indiana for 26 years. He also served as superintendent of the East Central Conference of the Evangelical Church for two years. In 1989, he was invited to join WGM’s Board of Directors. In 2002, he became WGM’s fifth president. 

Hubert thoroughly enjoyed traveling to WGM fields, interacting with missionaries in their ministries, and seeing firsthand what God is doing around the world. He has been a frequent speaker at church revivals, youth camps, camp meetings, seminars, retreats, conferences, and campaigns, both in the United States and internationally.

Hubert Harriman was president of WGM from 2002-2016. Read more about Hubert's story here.

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