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Kevin and Becky Zirkle

Kevin and Becky Zirkle spent thirty-nine years as missionaries in Japan before returning to WGM headquarters to work in the International Ministries Department. Becky retired from her position as an administrative assistant in July 2018 and Kevin retired as the assistant vice president of the department in June 2022.

When Kevin was a senior at Purdue University, he and Becky heard that WGM was looking for a young couple to go to Japan to work with university students. “I had a call to the ministry and was interested in student work,” Kevin said. “We prayed about it and felt that this was what God wanted us to do.”

Over their nearly four decades in Asia, the Zirkles led Bible studies for college students in Tokyo. Kevin also preached and taught at Immanuel Church’s Bible College. In 2003 they became regional directors over Asia, Europe, and the Pacific Rim (now called WGM East).

In 2016, the Zirkles ended their ministry in Japan and joined the WGM support staff. In retirement, they will oversee the WGM Emeritus program, helping retirees stay active in ministry.

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