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Larry and Joy McPherson

Both Larry and Joy were born and raised in Ohio and were active in their local churches, attending Sunday School and youth group and singing in the choir. Larry was born in Franklin County, Ohio, and was raised on farms outside Columbus and Derby, Ohio. After graduating from high school, Larry worked as a dockhand and truck driver before being drafted into the Army. He then spent eight years as a machinist, and during his last year he attended Wright State University (Ohio) before earning his BA in social work from Asbury College (Kentucky). Larry was ordained by WGM on December 5, 1982.

Joy was born in Columbus, Ohio, but grew up in Mt. Sterling, Ohio. She earned her BS in education with majors in health, physical education, and recreation from Ohio University. She also played intercollegiate basketball and field hockey and was active in Wesley Foundation and Kappa Phi, a women’s service club.

Larry and Joy met during Joy’s senior year of high school and were married June 21, 1963, four months prior to Larry’s discharge from the Army. Following his discharge, they moved to Eaton, Ohio, where Larry said their real spiritual growth began and where Joy added that they discovered real closeness with Christ and unrest in their own doings.

God used this unrest and the trip to Kenya to lead the McPhersons to WGM. Larry and Joy were appointed as career missionaries to Kenya on their 11th anniversary, June 21, 1974. In Kenya, Larry and Joy assisted the town church in Kericho and led Bible studies and prayer meetings. Larry also helped with construction work and Joy taught physical education at Kenya Highlands Bible College (now Kenya Highlands Evangelical University).

During their 18 years in Kenya and 11 years in Uganda, Larry was involved in church planting, discipleship, pastoring, and building and maintenance in addition to serving as field coordinator and treasurer in Uganda. Joy’s main ministries included church planting, discipleship, and serving as Christian education director in Uganda. They both worked their last three years in Uganda in pastoral training.

Read more about Larry and Joy's story here.

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