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John and Linda Spriegel

ID: 08720, Region: Africa
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God calls people to Himself, and to missions, in unique ways. For Linda, growing up in a Christian home and being exposed to missions early on facilitated her hearing God’s call to missions at the age of eleven. God used John’s need for a clergy reference for his Eagle Scout badge to get him to attend church as a teenager. There he met Jesus Christ, and his life was changed.

Five years into their marriage, God sent them to Africa for an initial two-year term. After serving in a very rural hospital in Zaire for a year, war broke out, and they were evacuated, ending up in Kenya at Tenwek Hospital for their second year of service. Here John’s gifts were well-used in training African medical interns, and there was a wonderful Christian comradery with missionaries and Kenyans. They had found their team, WGM, and a place to use their gifts.

Working alongside God’s people with a common passion for seeing others come to know Jesus through compassionate outreach and Bible studies was John and Linda’s greatest joy. Seeing God change lives as they encountered Him through the Word and through their hospital stays was a privilege. And they saw major growth in their own faith and experienced God’s grace and leading in new ways, too, living cross-culturally and serving with fellow missionaries.

Through the years they have recognized the truth of the statement by former missionary to Zaire, Hellen Roseveare: “God didn’t call me to Africa because of what he needed me to do there, but rather because that is the place where he could best accomplish the next thing he needed to do in my life.” John and Linda reflect, “We are humbly grateful for God’s leading in our lives to bring us to Himself, and then to Africa, to WGM and to Kenya, to serve alongside His beloved people.”

In 2023, Linda and John retired to their home in St. Joseph, Michigan, where they have been able to spend more time with their three adult children and extended family. God has faithfully led them this far, and they are trusting God to show them the good works He has prepared in advance for them, one day at a time.

Learn more about John and Linda’s story here.

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