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Betsy Tarr

Betsy Tarr’s 31 years of service with WGM have spanned the globe, including Kenya, Hungary, Ukraine, and most recently, McAllen, Texas. But whether she was teaching at Kenya Highlands Bible College, serving as secretary and treasurer in Hungary, mentoring students in Ukraine, or sorting Box Tops labels in McAllen, she never lost sight of her goal to help others find hope in Jesus Christ.

Betsy was raised in a non-Christian, yet church-attending, military home. When she was 22, her home church in Florida held a revival. That day, Betsy was saved. Her family started attending a camp meeting, and there the Lord showed her the need to fully commit to Him. She went to Asbury College (Kentucky), where she met Bill, who was planning to go into the ministry.

Bill and Betsy were called to missions at Taylor County Camp Meeting in Florida in 1982, when Jim Hord was one of the evangelists and spoke about the millions of people who had never heard of our Savior. The Lord used that event to show them that He had a new plan for their lives, that He wanted them to be involved in full-time missions.

Read more about Betsy's story

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