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Tom and Ellen Dunbar

During their 34 years of service as missionaries with WGM, Tom and Ellen certainly had their share of adventures and battles. Throughout their time ministering to people in Honduras, Mexico, and Paraguay, they stood firm knowing that God had led them to each place.

“Anything that might be looked on as a sacrifice simply isn’t; the Lord has given us more than we could ever imagine,” said Ellen.

They officially retired in 2002. Tom and Ellen have returned to Honduras several times, volunteering in the guesthouse and ministering to pastors. Now, they are working on starting a ministry to Hispanic people in their own community.

Tom and Ellen have five children, 13 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Three of their children were born on the mission field, “The best place in the world to raise a family!” Tom enthused.

Read more about Tom and Ellen's story here.

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