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Treasure Berens

After gaining a BA in elementary education from Bethel College, Treasure connected in 1967 with WGM to fulfill her calling. Originally, she sought ministry work on the American Indian Field. “I wanted to just speak English—I didn’t want to learn another language,” she said. However, WGM needed someone at Taylor Institute in McAllen, Texas. After studying Spanish at Rio Grande Bible Institute for a year, she taught at Taylor while continuing her studies at Rio Grande. Four years later, Taylor Institute closed to missions, temporarily pausing Treasure’s ministry. 

Treasure spent the next three years back in Michigan teaching at Hamilton Elementary School. However, she didn’t view this as a setback, and commented, “The three years were good.” After this, she returned to the mission field, this time to Saltillo, Mexico. She traveled between villages, teaching elementary-age Sunday Schools and Bible studies and speaking to whoever wanted to hear about Christ. Through her teaching ministry, Treasure and her team worked to open up communities to the gospel and missionary involvement. 

After 36 years of missionary service, Treasure retired in 2003. In her spare time, Treasure enjoys gardening and yard work. She reads often and involves herself in her community and church by being friendly with her neighbors and praying. 

Read more about Treasure's story here

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