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Ken and Carolyn Wade

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Looking Back at Our Calling

The journey to missionary service began for Carolyn at age twelve when the Lord called her to be a nurse and a missionary as she took a pitcher of water into her father’s room who was ill with cancer.

Ken’s missionary call began to come slowly into focus after hearing a missionary speak when he was a freshman in college. At the conclusion of that service, both of us expressed our willingness to obey the Lord by walking forward together. God’s divine call held us steady through the years.

Looking Back on Our Ministry

After various ministries in the States, we served with our church denomination from 1984–1988 as missionaries to South Africa and Botswana.  Deciding not to return, we pastored in Casper, Wyoming, from 1988–1995. When it became clear to us that there was no further opportunity to fulfill our missionary calling in our church, a former seminary professor was contacted who introduced us to WGM and then recommended us in 1994 to serve as missionaries.

With Ken’s elder’s credentials in place, Dr. James H. Diehl also recommended us for missionary service. We were appointed as career missionaries to Kenya, East Africa, by WGM in 1995.  After successfully achieving our self-supporting goal, we left for Kenya in December of 1996.

We began our ministry in Kenya by teaching and nursing at Kenya Highlands Bible College. Carolyn began the campus dispensary and taught. Ken taught ministerial students. It was there that God strengthened our interpersonal cultural skills.

In 2005, we started what became known as Africa Gospel Church Enhancement Ministry in which role we served until our retirement in 2019. Through this ministry we created strong, enduring interpersonal relationships, strengthening the church, mentoring leaders, and sharing Christ’s love with many leaders and Christians. We counted it a great privilege to work especially in rural churches with the people of Kenya.

Reflecting on the various ministries in which we served during these years, we think of the radio programs, school ministries, rural church services and special meetings with children, youth, men, women, and couples, with the opportunities to show compassion physically. Teaching and preaching were wonderful aspects of our service. Fellowship in homes was always fulfilling. We felt like these experiences were the apex of our years of ministry and effectiveness, fruit, and fulfillment. Carolyn often said that we were made for this work. We often told people that we got tired in the midst of this ministry but never tired of the ministry. Many lifelong friendships were formed.

In the ministry, we now see that God was doing more than we could ever imagine. We realize how God is always working…often behind the scenes. Our experiences as missionaries have taught us that it is God’s work—we simply make ourselves available to Him to work through us.

Our life-passage is found in Proverbs 3:5–6 where we see God as the director and perfecter of our lives, not ourselves. We adopted these verses in 1972 when we married. Carolyn added verses seven and eight during her radio health program.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding. 

In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths. 

Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the LORD and turn away from evil. 

It will be healing to your flesh
and refreshment to your bones.

These words have been a guiding light and stabilizing factor that have produced faith and perseverance down through these fifty years.

Looking Ahead to the Future

Although we have now relocated to Fort Wayne, Indiana, we know that our ministry has not ended. We continue ministering to others through an extensive Facebook ministry, counseling, producing a weekly radio program for Kenya, writing weekly Sunday School lessons and Bible studies for use in Kenya. We let God fill in the details of His will for us as we continue serving Him as long as He enables and allows us. Just as God blessed us during our years in Africa, He continues looking after us and challenging us in this so-called “retired” phase of our lives.

In the photo below, the Bibles that are being presented were provided by us from our ministry account. This is repeated in many places throughout the year.

Four men receiving Bibles in front of a group of children

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