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Titus and Jewel Romdenh

ID: 07939, Region: Asia
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We grew up on opposite sides of the world in contrasting cultures and with unique religious experiences but loved by one God. Titus was born in a Buddhist family and lived a sinful life until he met Christ as a teenager. Jewel grew up with an early exposure to missions and knew God was calling her to “go” when she was eleven. Cambodia is a land full of people who lack hope—people plagued by poverty, corruption, injustice, and a sense of fatalism. We believe that the Good News of Jesus Christ not only saves our lives, but gives us life, and we are passionate about seeing the lost Cambodian people find hope in the one true God.

Reaching one influencer can change the culture of a whole community. This is God’s strategic vision for our ministry. As Cambodia develops, we must reach community-influencers. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few” (Luke 10:2 NIV).The Cambodian church must become disciple-makers so the name of Jesus can spread exponentially. This strategy is key in a place where less than 2% of the 16 million people are Christian.

Our mission is to make disciples and produce disciple-makers. We are working to equip and empower Cambodian Christians to be mobilized in reaching their communities for Christ. We desire to invest in and inspire women to recognize the everyday ministry of shining the light of Christ in their homes and neighborhoods. We partner with other local ministries and organizations to strengthen their ministries and expand God’s work in Phnom Penh and other rural provinces. God’s kingdom in Cambodia will grow exponentially when the church can raise up a generation of confident Christians, committed to Christ and God’s truth and passionate about sharing God’s love with those around them.

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