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Jeff and Christine Stanfield

ID: 08760, Region: North America
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“Behold, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it?” (Isaiah 43:19 BSB)

Thirty-plus years ago, God raised our awareness of something new for us, his call to serve with World Gospel Mission (WGM) in Kenya at Tenwek Hospital. Eight years ago He stirred within us a call to “leave our people, leave our country, and go to a place he will show” us. The new thing then was the ministries of WGM and Africa Gospel Church in Uganda, and we went into that new place.

Throughout our years in Africa, God stirred our hearts in many ways as we sought to serve Christ through the building of relationships. Early in 2018, God used this verse to stir within us, once again, a sense that He is inviting us to join Him in something new. We trusted Him to show us in His timing, what the “something new” was.

In Spring of 2019, we received an invitation to join the Member Health Department of WGM. We were surprised, but we committed to pray and listen to the Lord. We sought counsel and invited a few others to pray and discern also. Through two weeks of focused prayer, seeking, and surrendering, it was clear God was inviting us into the role of Area Member Health Leaders for Africa.

In our new missionary role, we are coordinating Member Health initiatives in the Africa region of WGM. We will assist in equipping missionaries to fulfill their call to advance God’s kingdom by supporting them spiritually and emotionally to minister in creative and life-transforming ways, which includes the ministries of presence, caring, encouraging, and training.

We are excited to see how God will multiply the harvest through well-equipped missionaries.

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