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29 Oct 20
Celebration: WGM is 110!
Save the date: November 15, 2020 at 5 p.m. EST
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26 Oct 20
in Middle East
Fragrance of Prayer
Does your prayer life imitate a fragrance, filling your home and impacting those you spend time with?
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12 Oct 20
Giving Tuesday 2020: The Movement of Generosity
Take an active role in what God is doing around the world.
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05 Oct 20
Andrea Parker
in USA
Equipping the Body of Christ
Surgeon Andrea Parker reflects on the impact the Global Missions Heath Conference has had on her calling.
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28 Sep 20
Krista Horn
in Kenya
Dead Mail and Other Gaps
In a year full of disintegrating plans, one global worker learns to trust in the God of the gaps.
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14 Sep 20
Val Sleeth
in Kenya
Greater Love
We can learn a lot about loving others from a patient with kidney failure.
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Support a Missionary
Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.