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07 Sep 20
Kateland Vernon
in Albania
Becoming an Ambassador
God had a unique ministry involvement prepared for fifteen-year-old Seanan.
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31 Aug 20
in Paraguay
Bread for the family—A Paraguayan Recipe
Enjoy the sweet taste of this special treat from Paraguay.
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26 Aug 20
Betsy Tejeda
in USA: Texas/Mexico Border
Dream Big
What do you do when you realize your kids have stopped dreaming?
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12 Aug 20
Doug and Grace Miller
The Intersection of Hope and Disappointment
This has been a long season of disappointment for many, but God is using it to deepen our faith in Him.
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15 Jul 20
Elicia Ramirez
in Argentina
Argentine Cuisine
Enjoy a family evening full of Argentine culture with a traditional recipe and special song.
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24 Jun 20
Jewel Romdenh
in Cambodia
Cooking Cambodian Loc Lac
Infuse your home with the smells, tastes, and sounds of Cambodia tonight by making a traditional recipe.
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Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.