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Celebration: WGM is 110!

Celebration: WGM is 110!

SAVE THE DATE: November 15, 2020 at 5 pm EST

Ever since our first global workers set sail for China in 1910, God has been at work transforming lives and hearts, and World Gospel Mission has been grateful to partner with Him over the last 110 years. Join us on November 15 at 5 p.m. EST for a Facebook Live event and help us celebrate WGM’s rich history and how God has answered prayer through the years. Worship alongside your WGM family, listen to Bob Wesche share about the very first WGM global workers, and learn more about what it means to abide during this special event. Help us praise God for His faithfulness over these past 110 years.

Click here to accept your invitation to the celebration. Believe us, you don’t want to miss this.

1910: World Gospel Mission's first field is established. Below are its first missionaries and home.

Cecil and Ellen Troxel and the Woodford and Harriet Taylor family

The first property that WGM purchased

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