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11 May 20
Dr. Dan Schafer
The Gospel Cannot Be Quarantined
This will be WGM's greatest year yet.
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29 Apr 20
Gerson and Betsy Tejeda
in Bolivia
Comfort Food of Bolivia
Take a cultural journey to Bolivia and make a platter of traditional comfort food to enjoy.
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22 Apr 20
Author Pseudonym: Charlotte Snow
Sufficient Grace
When cultural transitions prove challenging, God is faithful to use our weaknesses for good.
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13 Apr 20
Cydil Waggoner
in Albania
Experience a Taste of Albania (From Your Own Home)
Experience the culture of Albania from your own home through this traditional recipe.
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08 Apr 20
Micah Metz
Physically Apart but Socially Connected
How to stay connected with loved ones while practicing social distancing.
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25 Mar 20
Shushan Richardson
All That I Need
One global worker learns an important lesson about prayer from a broken suitcase.
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