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Four Ways to Engage in Missions During a Time of Uncertainty

Four Ways to Engage in Missions During a Time of Uncertainty

If your passion is sharing the love of Jesus with others, quarantine and social distancing have probably made living out that passion in 2020 difficult. You might engage in missions through service, or maybe you support a missionary on the field through prayer or financial giving. Whatever your investment in missions, you may feel like your ability to take part in the Great Commission has been hindered this year.

Despite these obstacles, there are still ways to keep answering God’s call on your life, even during a time of unknowns. We’ve outlined four steps below that you can take to be involved in the story of redemption God is writing all around the world.

  1. Acknowledge
    Be honest with yourself, others, and most importantly, with God about this season and how it has affected you. Admitting that this time has been one filled with uncertainty—and whatever other emotions it may have caused you—will help you process and learn from the situation. God often uses difficult times to grow and shape His people. Have an honest discussion with Him, opening yourself up to His plan for your heart and your life.
  2. Pray
    During this season, people everywhere have witnessed unprecedented situations and a growing need as a result. The harvest truly is plentiful (Luke 10:2), and we are moved to compassion for all who are in need of the Gospel message. Our hearts are encouraged by the deep longing and hunger for peace in those who are facing social injustice and afflictions caused by the pandemic, but we must not stop there. We must push ahead in missions work and especially in prayer.

    Here are some specific ways you can engage in prayer during this time:
    • If you know a global worker, reach out to them and ask how you can support them in prayer. This is a great way to gather specific requests to bring before the Lord.
    • Join the WGM family at 10:02 a.m. each morning by praying for the Lord to send more workers into the harvest fields. Learn more about the Luke 10:2 Challenge here.
    • Subscribe to the Prayer Lifeline, a monthly email that contains current prayer requests for the WGM community. This is a great way not only to remain aware of what’s happening around the world but to lift it to the Lord, as well.
    • Visit the WGM Impact Map and choose a region of the world to pray over. By selecting an individual country or ministry location, you can learn more about the global workers who are actively engaged in ministry there, as well as any projects in that region.
  3. Learn
    While you wait for life to return to a new normal, you can still be active in your growth and learning. Whether you’re interested in missions service but don’t know where to start or simply want to learn more about missions work, we’ve gathered a list of resources to help. Check out the full list here; it includes podcasts, books, training videos, and even upcoming conferences. These tools will help you continue preparing for the future, regardless of what it holds. Shaping your mindset today and gaining more knowledge can only help you as you serve on the field or advocate for missions tomorrow.
  4. Give
    Our global workers certainly haven’t been sitting idle during quarantine. Despite not being able to meet in person, they have been actively seeking ways to care for the physical and spiritual needs of others. From Facebook Live sermons to food delivery, they have found creative methods of sharing God’s love and the Gospel message on the frontline, impacting the lives of people for Christ. Again and again, we have heard testimonies of how God is using this time of adversity to grow His kingdom.

    If you want to help our global workers continue impacting lives, you have many options. You can support a global worker through their giving page, which allows them more resources to draw on for vital outreach. You can also donate to the WGM Global Impact fund, which helps our organization continue to support our ministries and global workers. Financial giving is a great way for you to take part in the work God is doing in the hearts and lives of people across the globe.

Though life has taken many unexpected turns during the past few months—and may even feel like it has come to a complete halt—you don’t have to let the changes occurring in the world keep you from continuing to follow where God is calling you. God has placed a passion for missions in your heart for a reason, and He has a plan to use you to reach others. Regardless of what that looks like for you, we believe these four ideas can help you keep your momentum and continue taking part in the Great Commission today.

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