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WGM Day of Prayer 2020

WGM Day of Prayer 2020

At WGM, we are committed to passionate prayer. In fact, this is one of our core values! Today, during WGM’s Day of Prayer, we want to intentionally seek the Lord together through praise, gratitude, confession, and requests.

As a member of the body of Christ, you have unique passions and skills. We believe that God has placed those passions in you for a purpose. Today we want you to use them to guide you through prayer.

Do you have an interest in the movement of the Holy Spirit and a desire for Him to awaken the next generation? Are you a natural peacemaker, mending relationships wherever you go? Maybe you’re invested in the future of your country or culture, and you want to spend some time praying for God’s guidance for those making critical decisions.

We invite you to choose one or more of the tracks (Awakening, Peace, and Guidance) to use as a guide throughout the day in prayer. Whether you have a schedule free of distractions or a few breaks throughout the day, we believe God is looking to engage with us through prayer today. He’s ready to receive your praise and to hear about the burdens on your heart.

2020 WGM Day of Prayer Guide


We want to invite you to intentionally take some time some with the Lord, whatever season you find yourself in. This might look like taking some quiet time by yourself to pray or inviting a group into prayer on June 10. Below we have outlined a few ideas on what this could look like.

Alone: Read the full passage containing each verse. Meditate on Scripture, asking God to make it come alive to you. Pray first for the wider world, then for your culture, your specific community, and lastly yourself and those closest to you.

Friends: Take turns praying for people groups that are important to each of you. Then pray aloud for each other, either in small groups or in a larger group.

Family: Include your children! Begin the prayer, then ask them to join in with their own prayer. You can help awaken the next generation by inviting your own children to seek God with you.

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