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WGM COVID-19: God Is at Work

WGM COVID-19: God Is at Work

Despite the challenges that COVID-19 has presented to ministry during the past few months, our global workers have continued to find ways to reach out to others. Some of our global workers have taken the opportunity to share about what the quarantine looks like in their ministry locations and how they have been able to help bring relief. Again and again, they have confirmed that God is working through this hard time, using it to grow His kingdom and stretch the faith of His people.

Billy Coppedge, a global worker in Uganda, has been working with the Africa Gospel Church to start a radio broadcast ministry during COVID-19, and the response is having great impact. Billy shares how vital the local pastors are in this new ministry, saying, “They are able to preach in their own language.” He continues, “It’s connecting people that wouldn’t have been connected with the church and now, suddenly, they are.”

Eli and Krista Horn, global workers in Kenya, are serving in medical ministry at Chogoria Hospital. Recently they asked for financial support for residents whose funding was impacted by COVID-19. “We've been humbled to the point of tears at the support that's come in for our residents,” the Horns share. “Our family had hoped to raise $5,000 to support the residents, and an incredible $12,000 has come in!”

In addition to these testimonies, we’ve included other reports from our global workers in the video below. As you watch, we hope that you are encouraged by God’s faithfulness and how He is at work across the globe. Even during a worldwide pandemic, we can cling with certainty to the truth that God has a purpose and uses all things for His glory.

If you’re interested in watching the full interviews with each of these global workers, you can find the videos on the WGM YouTube channel.

Prayer is the number one way that you can support your WGM missionaries, but another way you can support your missionaries is financial. Our Global Impact Fund helps provide for those special needs that come up for any WGM Global Worker. With so many needs arising during the COVID-19 pandemic, the typical levels of this fund have dipped.

Consider doing something extra today. Give to our Global Impact Fund.

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