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Billy and Joanna Coppedge

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One of the core convictions for our family is that God brings about transformation in the human heart when people encounter Jesus through God’s Word. But how does the church make disciples today of people who either cannot read or who just do not like to read? After twenty years of being involved in working alongside the church in Uganda, we still believe God loves to meet people through His Word. For our family, orality and tools such as oral Bible storytelling have become strategic means of helping people access and engage the Scriptures.
As global orality catalysts, we have the privilege of helping to raise awareness of orality, develop resources, and provide trainings and networking for WGM missionaries and partners that are interested in utilizing oral strategies to make disciples for Jesus. Currently, we are helping to develop a new partnership with an organization based in Jerusalem which is training Bible translators. Our role is to help train Bible translators that are working in communities that continue to be highly oral-reliant.
We thank Jesus for the opportunity to help other people encounter God through His Word in their own language, and we sincerely value your prayers and partnership.

Check out our orality training series on YouTube!

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