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20 Feb 20
Kateland Vernon
How to Prepare for Cross-Cultural Experiences
Getting ready to serve in a different culture? Here are a few ideas for how to prepare.
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06 Feb 20
Mobilization team
Connecting Your Passion with God’s Heart
Meet the team who wants to help you find your place in the story God is writing.
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15 Jan 20
5 Ways to Say Thank You
How do you thank someone? Here are a few suggestions.
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01 Jan 20
Living at the Intersection of Your Passion + God's Heart
WGM equips you to play your part in God's plan for redemption.
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25 Dec 19
Kateland Vernon
Seeking Peace
Invite peace into your life this holiday season.
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18 Dec 19
Jeff and Christine Stanfield
Attentive Waiting
Pray and listen as the Lord speaks this season.
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Support a Missionary
Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.